EAU cooperates with RiSP S.r.l. for the designing and development of FALLING ROCK PROTECTION KITS. All of the kits have been designed; full scale tested based on European Assessment Document EAD 340059-00-0106(former Guideline ETAG 027) and RiSP is the entity that can issue a report for the “Constancy of Performance of construction product” and obtain a certificate of consistency from independent 3rd parties due to  European Technical Assessment (ETA) Regulation (UE) n. 305/2011.

Rockfall barrier kits able to stop falling rocks with energy beyond 11.000 kJ

In terms of rockfall energy absorption capacity, the RMC and ROC kits can cover 500-11000KJ which meets the normal engineering need and exceeds that.

The documents that will be provided to customers for each system (before, during, and after-sales) include :

-TDS and detailed drawing for the system, design loads, and typical foundation Kit Drawing

-Declaration of performance for system(including conformity for anchors), and Certification of constancy of performance

-Installation manual 

and, in addition to documentation, our customers receive the best engineering and after-sales support from RiSP and EAU experts.

RiSP Barriers – Versatility of Design  

The main interception layer consists of a continuous net, this material can be a cable net or a ring net.

downslope side of the barrier

In most of the kits, posts are hinged at the base and kept in place by upslope bracing cables; nevertheless, kits without upslope bracing cables can be supplied as well, to tackle challenging installations in places lacking in space, or where is necessary to minimize foundations’ drilling length.

Barrier withot upslope bracing cables: layout

the RMC kit without upslope cable protecting railroad against falling rocks

Contact EAU for more information

Our site visits, system engineering, and after-sales services are free of charge for our customers (conditions applied)